A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols.

A traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols held in the beautiful Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Wellington College, Crowthorne.

We have a had a fantastic response to this event and sadly it is now sold out. Tickets will not be available on the door.

A traditional start to the Christmas Season.

Once again our Club would like to invite families, couples and individuals from the Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Bracknell area to a traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols held in the beautiful Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Wellington College, Crowthorne. 

This year we are pleased o have the Revd John Castle conducting the service and once again the Choir will be the Cecillia Singers led by Director of Music Karen Philips. Stuart McSweeney will again be our organist.

The Service is open to all.

Thoes needing mobility assistance including the use of wheelchairs are welcome.

Origins of the Service. 

The Service of Nine Lessons and Carols was originally conceived by Edward White Benson, who at the time was the Bishop of Truro. The inaugural service took place on Christmas Eve 1880 at Truro Cathedral. The service was created to offer a religious celebration that would attract people away from pubs during the festive season.

In 1918 the Dean of Kings College, Cambridge, Eric Milner-White, adapted the service and is the form most commonly known today. Milner-White's version was designed to bring comfort and hope after the horrors of World War 1. The adapted form features nine Bible readings interspersed with Christmas carols, hymns and choir anthems.

Beneficiaries of this event. 

Monies raised from this event have been used to support those in need at Christmas. In 2022, £1000 was raised and donated to the Rotary Club of Ukraine who were providing much need support and shelter to their Countrymen. In 2023, £1750 was raised for Shelterbox who provide temporary shelter for those impacted by conflict and natural disasters.

This year's beneficiaries will be announced when the tickets are on sale; we will follow our theme of "helping those who need help at Christmas".

Those attending the service are invited to a mince pie and wine reception after the service in the College's Waterloo Hall dining room


 Wellington Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Wellington College, Dukes Ride Crowthorne, RG45 6DP  

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Club of Crowthorne and Sandhurst Donations

Each year the Rotary Club of Crowthorne and Sandhurst donates to many community, national and international charities.

Event Cancellation

Enjoy the grounds of Wellington College.

Rotary Club Myth Buster

The Rotary Club of Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Bracknell is NOT what is often considered to be a typical Rotary club. We are flexible, support a broad range of activities and have fun along the way. New members and new ideas are always welcome.

A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Proceeds raised from our Service of Nine Lessons and Carols dedicated to ShelterBox.


A traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols held in the beautiful Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Wellington College, Crowthorne.

A Club Garden party to welcome in the next Rotary year.

Handover social event to say thankyou to retiring President Richard Lindo and to welcome new President Kevin Baylis and President Elect Janet Wicks.

Some of our annual fundraising activities.

The Rotary Club of Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Bracknell employs a range of activities to raise funds for local, national and international charities.


Members volunteer their time to undertake activities such as supporting community events, running projects to promote the achievements of young people and running educational programmes.
