A traditional Service of 9 Lessons and Carols in the beautiful Wellington College Chapel

Fri, Dec 16th 2022 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A traditional Service of 9 Lessons and Carols in the beautiful Chapel at Wellington College. The service is accompanied by a choir who perform solo pieces, as well as supporting the carols, and an organist.

Entering the Christmas Spirit


Humanitarian support for the people of Ukraine.

The Rotary Club of Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Bracknell invites you to the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, in the beautiful Chapel of Wellington College, on Friday 16th December. 7pm for 7.30 pm.

Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is a service traditionally celebrated near Christmas Eve and is the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah and the birth of Jesus. The story is told by 9 readings interspersed with the singing of Christmas Carols, Hymns and Choir Anthems.

This year we are proud to have Revd Laura Wheatley Downs conducting the service with  Karen Phillips (Director of Music) and The Cecilia Singers  supported by Organist Stewart McSweeney. They will create the Spirit of Christmas in the traditional way.

Monies raised from this event will be used to support the Rotary International Club of Kyiv who are preparing shelters for Internally Displaced People in the Ukraine as winter sets in.

Tickets are £10 purchased in advance from TicketTailor. Guest are invited to a mince pie and wine reception after the service.  Under 18s are free.

Car parking is provided with the College's grounds. Directions to the Chapel will be given by the College Security Team when entering the College.

Wellington College. Dukes Ride, Berkshire, Crowthorne, RG45 7PU.


If you are unbale to attend but would liek to make a donation please go to the link immediately below. 


Ticket Sales.

If you have dificulty purchasing tickets or would like to come as a group please contact us on.

Email : csbrotaryevents@gmail.com

Phone : 07470179516.

All are welcome. To puchase tickets please visit our site on TicketMaster using the link below.


Please keep updated on this and future events by accessing our Facebook page.


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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Club of Crowthorne and Sandhurst Donations

Each year the Rotary Club of Crowthorne and Sandhurst donates to many community, national and international charities.

Event Cancellation

Enjoy the grounds of Wellington College.

Rotary Club Myth Buster

The Rotary Club of Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Bracknell is NOT what is often considered to be a typical Rotary club. We are flexible, support a broad range of activities and have fun along the way. New members and new ideas are always welcome.

A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Proceeds raised from our Service of Nine Lessons and Carols dedicated to ShelterBox.


A traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols held in the beautiful Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Wellington College, Crowthorne.

A Club Garden party to welcome in the next Rotary year.

Handover social event to say thankyou to retiring President Richard Lindo and to welcome new President Kevin Baylis and President Elect Janet Wicks.

Some of our annual fundraising activities.

The Rotary Club of Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Bracknell employs a range of activities to raise funds for local, national and international charities.


Members volunteer their time to undertake activities such as supporting community events, running projects to promote the achievements of young people and running educational programmes.
