Note: Business Meetings are held on a 2nd and 4th Monday, with a social event on a Thursday evening between meetings.
Note: First Monday of the month, please contact the Executive Secretary to confirm details 07972 361514
Note: No meeting following Bank Holiday. 5th. Monday of the month, normally a breakfast meeting at 8 am
Note: We are currently operating a hybrid system with some meetings in person and some on Zoom. Details of each meeting are in the "Meetings & Events" menu.
Note: No Meeting following Bank Holidays
Note: 1st Monday No meeting, 2nd (Committees), 3rd (Speaker) and 4th Monday (Business). No meeting on Bank Holidays or if 5th Monday in Month.
Note: 1st Monday - Social/Speaker meeting at 18.30 3rd Monday - Committees/Business Meeting at 18.30 2nd & 4th Monday - Luncheon Fellowship at 12.30
Note: Currently meetings on a Monday are virtual via Zoom. On some Tuesdays and Thursdays face to face meetings are held in various venues. See schedule for details.
Note: We meet every second Monday. (Except Bank Holidays)
Note: We meet every Monday with the exception being NO meeting on Bank Holidays
Note: We meet face to face TWICE monthly - generally on the 2nd and fourth Mondays. Occasional Zoom meetings are held on some other Mondays.
Note: No meeting on a Bank Holiday Monday
Note: No meetings on Bank Holidays
Note: In the Hi-Tide Inn, Mackworth Road, Porthcawl. Lunch on the first and third Mondays, a Zoom meeting at noon on the second Monday and an evening meeting at 7pm on the fourth Monday. We do not meet on Bank Holidays.
Note: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mondays of each month, except Bank Holidays, no meetings during August.
Note: Meet weekly, first Monday of the month we go out for a meal. No meeting on a BH
Note: MEETINGS SUSPENDED DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Formal meetings at The Parkway Hotel on 1st, 3rd & 4th weeks. Informal meetings at local hostelry on 2nd & 5th weeks. No meetings on Bank Holidays.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Community Service is one of the mainstays of Rotary Service and it helps Rotarians to plan and undertake projects that will help to improve the lives of people of all ages, abilities and diverse needs in our local communities.
moreCommunity and International Projects Linked to Rotary in Southern Wales
moreThe Public Image team is here to help provide support and resources for Clubs in our District. We work closely with the Rotary International Public Image Coordinators and the Communications team at Rotary GB&I
moreRotary's own Charity
moreContains content from various District Leadership and Training Seminars. Rotarians can find more information in the Members Only pages after signing in.
moreCompliance Main Page
moreAdministration Link Page