Contact Club Reunion in Poiteirs 2017

Thu, May 25th 2017 at 4:00 pm- Sun, May 28th 2017 - 10:00 am

Rotarians and a number of spouses travelled to Poitiers for the 2017 annual reunion with members of the Rotary Clubs of Poitiers Futuroscope and Darmstadt Kranichstein

Group photo

The annual reunion kicked off with a drinks reception at the house of the President, Magloire Kinde, where everyone was able to renew old friendships and meet new participants.

The programme got into full swing early the following morning when it was "all aboard the mystery bus" and off towards Saumur to visit the magnificent Abbaye de Fontevraud. The Abbaye was built between 1105 and 1165 and is most remakable because the tombs of King Henry 11 of England, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the Lionheart are found here in the splendid nave of the church.


A great highlight of our visit to the Abbaye was our guide. She was absolutely tremendous, had the most extensive body of knowledge and a wicked character! She should certainly be presenting a history programme on BBC2! Here she is having just amazed her charges with some fascinatingly presented piece of information:


By now the sun had reached its zenith and the temperature had soared to 35 degrees and so we were grateful to be treated to a delicious lunch in the coolness of the Restaurant Le Plantaganet. Refreshed, it was back in the coach for a very short hop to the Chateau de Breze, a beautiful Loire chateau with a surprise beneath. An earlier "trogolodyte" fortress was excavated by early 11th century settlers and we visited the extensive underground passages and caves on top of which the "modern" chateau was built by the Colbert family (a Minister to Louis X1V). Unfortunately, the sun was unrelenting and, as much of the tour was conducted outside, many of our party had to withdraw into the shade of the trees!


The coach returned us to Poitiers by about 6.30 p.m. and, in theory, we were supposed to arrive at Le Restaurant du Moulin de la Noree at 7.00 pm. In reality, by the time everyone had returned to their quarters, showered and changed, the Gala Dinner was never going to get going until 8.30 pm. By the time we had started the Presidents' Speeches, the aperitifs had still not been served and Magloire was a little embarassed to give a toast to his guests when no one had anything in their glasses! In perhaps typical French style, the dinner meandered slowly forward and it was well after midnight when desserts and coffee appeared! On the plus side, the restaurant was a beautifully restored water mill in an idyllic woodland setting with the river running through the middle of the dining room.

Another early morning rendezvous was planned for the Saturday to visit Poitiers on foot. Some members of the party decided that a leisurely breakfast was preferable to walking round the Cathedral and the many churches which Jean was planning to visit and the very hot sunshine limited activities somewhat. Everyone finally met up for a "charcuterie & wine lunch" at the cafe "O Gibolin" in central Poitiers before enjoying a free afternoon with their hosts.


In the evening we had quite a long drive out into the country to enjoy a splendid evening in Michel's lovely rustic garden. An endless flow of wine, whisky and punch was complemented by the most delicious canapes prepared by the ladies and we were all fascinated to see the main food event which was a Mechoui - a whole lamb roasted over a barbecue in North African style. Once the meat was crisped to perfection we all trooped into the barn to eat our fill and continue our conversations in broken French, German and English with our delightful hosts and our German friends.


All good things come to an end and, on the Sunday morning, there were fond farewells as everyone dispersed in different directions; some returning home directly, others taking advantage of the opportunity to do some sightseeing in France (and, no doubt, to purchase the tempting wines and cheeses!)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Adrian Bawtree, Tessa Read, Roger Newman MBE, Chris Hedges, Derek Brown & Richard Parkin

A "Sing For Your Life" "MUSIC BOX" has been handed over to East Kent Independent Dementia Support (EKIDS). From left: Adrian Bawtree, Tessa Read, Roger Newman MBE, Chris Hedges, Derek Brown & Richard Parkin


The International Committee is responsible for coordinating the Contact Club arrangements with the Rotary Club of Poitiers Futuroscope and the Rotary Club of Darmstadt Kranichstein. The Committee also seeks to support overseas charities with fundraising


We are always delighted to welcome guests to our meetings who may be considering joining the Rotary Family. Please contact our Secretary, Dave Alker to enquire about booking in.

Banner of the Rotary Club of Westwood Village, Los Angeles

President Chris & Hazel Hedges paid a visit to the Rotary Club of Westwood Village, Los Angeles


Community Service Committee is responsible for organising fund-raising and social events, community service projects and recommending payments to external charities.


Chris Hedges updates the website on a regular basis.


The Rotary Clubs of Thanet are committed to providing opportunities and support for young people.


Westgate and Birchington Rotary Club Funds Improvements at Christ Church Community Hall in Westgate


Mick Stokes is our Dining Steward and is charge of arranging our venues and gourmet refreshment.


The Foundation Committee seeks to raise awareness of Rotary's own Charity, THE ROTARY FOUNDATION, and organise events to raise funds for the projects undertaken by the Rotary Foundation.

Banner of the Rotary Club of Temecula

President Chris & Hazel Hedges visited the Rotary Club of Temecula, California


Successful RYLA candidates,Elizabeth Irvine and Emily Robertson report on their experiences at the Arethusa Venture Centre


Mike O'Toole is our Sergeant-at-Arms


Here is an archive of news and activities over the last 10 years


The Inner Wheel Club of Westgate & Birchington is a close member of our Rotary family. Its members are predominently relations of Rotarians but membership is open to any lady who is sponsored by an exisiting member.


Club Council normally meets on the last Monday of every month at Church House, Birchington at 7.00 pm.


In recent years we have supported a wide range of local, national and international charities

Ian Sharpe & Victoria Lawrence dance the Foxtrot

The "Strictly Come Rotary" Dance Competition was staged on Saturday 13th April 2013 at The Winter Gardens in aid of "Alfie's Trust"


The winners of the Young Photographer Competition were presented with their awards by the Editor of The Isle of Thanet Gazette, Rebecca Smith

President-Elect Tony Orpwood & Christine; President Chris Hedges & Hazel; Assistant Governor Jan Dash; Past President John Hawkins & Margaret

A superb FUN, FELLOWSHIP & FOUNDATION Conference in Lille!


An excellent portfolio of entries was received from competitors in the 2014 Young Photographer Competition. Very well done!

St Augustine's Chapel

A Musical Soiree was held in the Chapel at St Augustine's to raise funds for the charity "Sing For Your Life"


The good news is YOU ARE ON OUR WEBSITE!! Please visit it regularly to find news of our latest efforts to serve our community. MEMBERS - PLEASE CHECK THE HOME PAGE EACH WEEK!!!


To coincide with St Valentine's Day, an "Italian Masked Ball" was held in Kearns Hall.


Memebers enjoyed a comprehensive wine tasting experience and dined in style.

Sheila Minhinick, RIBI President John Minhinick, Hazel Hedges, President Chris Hedges, Sheila Grainger, District Governor Stewart Grainger

RIBI President John Minhinick and his wife Sheila attended a Dinner and Presentations for Rotarians in East Kent on Tuesday 4th September 2012


The Joint Rotary Clubs of Thanet together with Kent Music presented the seventh annual Schools Prom at The Winter Gardens, Margate


Santa's coming!! He'll be coming to a street near you in December" PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY TO SUPPORT OUR CHARITIES!!

Rotarians from Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Poitiers-Futuroscope and Westgate & Birchington in Auerbach Keller, Leipzig

A party of Club Members and their partners travelled to Leipzig for the annual Contact Club Reunion with the Rotary Clubs of Darmstadt-Kranichstein and Poitiers-Futuroscope


Chris Hedges's President's Night Dinner Dance was held on Friday 7th June 2013 at St Augustine's, Westgate-on-Sea

The planting gets under way

Members constructed a raised garden area for the students at the Hearing-Impaired Unit with matched funding gained from a District Grant of $1000.


President Tony prresented cheques to the Woodford Foundation and "Blood Runners"


Following the successful bid for a District Grant, a Sensory Garden, adjacent to the Hearing Impaired Unit at Hartsdown Academy, was constructed by Rotarians. The "Oasis" was formally opened by Past President Chris Hedges on Friday 27th September


The Club enjoys a number of sporting activities in conjunction with other Rotary Clubs, including Bowls and Golf competitions. The Sports Coordinator is John Hawkins.


Rotarian Allan Harris is our Club shop manager and arranges for members to purchase Rotary regalia, clothing and jewellery.

A filled Aquabox ready for deployment

The children at St Crispin's School, Westgate-on-Sea, filled seven Aquaboxes.


President Chris & Hazel paid a visit to the Rotary Club of Beverly Hills.


A large gathering of Rotarians and guests enjoyed the annual Christmas Dinner which was made more special by the induction of Christine Laming and the award of the Moulsdale Trophy to Eddie Doody


A party of Rotarians and members of Inner Wheel attended Evensong "Celebrating Rotary" in Rochester Cathedral on Sunday 17th February 2013
