UPDATE : Over the last five weeks we have delivered over 200 bags to the Hospital staff along with other items donated to us for them. The staff have expressed their appreciation for the support and have indicated that it makes a big difference to them. We will continue for as long as we can - please see the donate button below if you are able to help us - Thank you
Members of Medway Sunlight Rotary Club (MSR), best known perhaps for their Annual Charity Dragon Boat Challenge on Basin 2, Chatham Maritime, donated a sum of £700 in favour of a general community initiative to deliver essential food bags for ‘front line’ staff working at Medway Maritime Hospital.
Working closely with the hospital and 'Boomers’, the popular Australian themed Cafe at the Outlet Centre, Chatham Maritime, 50 bags of both fresh and long life food were delivered to the Hospital on the first night.
The contents of each bag, partly targeted with breakfast in mind, were agreed with Boomers and were handed over at the hospital to Donna Law, the Charity and Fundraising Manager. These were distributed to members of staff arriving for their night duty so that they didn't have to worry about shopping the following morning.
Since then we have been so pleased to receive support from many members of the public and organsiations whihc has allowed us to make a delivery every week since. If you would also like to help and wish to contribute there are two options:
1) If you have a Paypal account please click on the donate button and you will be taken to our Paypal Giving Fund page - we receive and pass on every penny you donate and you can opt to gift aid the donation.
2) If you dont have a PayPal account donations can be made direct to our Charity Trust's bank account - The Rotary Club of Medway Sunlight Trust Fund, Sort Code 60-17-44, A/C No. 13275437 - please put "NHS FOOD" as the Reference.
The Medway Sunlight Trust Fund is a Registered Charity, No 1156674 , and Donors can be assured that the whole of any donations received will be converted into ‘essential food bags’ compiled by Boomers and delivered to Medway Hospital for distribution to NHS staff.
The content of bags will vary depending on availability but the initial bags contained:
1 lt of orange juice
185g tin tuna
Bag of rice
Bag of pasta
6 fresh eggs
Loaf of bread
200g Heinz beans
1 lt of UHT milk
Fresh apples
Beef tomato
Pack of biscuits
60g Pack of butter
Selection of mini condiments
Mini box of cereal
Easter egg
We are also grateful to Holland and Barrett who kindly donated for each bag one of either a protein shake sachet, a protein bar or a face scrub sachet or body scrub sachet.
David Taylor
Medway Sunlight Rotary Club President
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Members of Medway Sunlight Rotary have been chosen to carry the Paralympic Flame in the torch relay in August!
moreAs an organisation committed to peace and also to offering humanitarian aid to those in need, Rotary is helping in Ukraine.
moreIf you shop on-line why not do it through our easyfundraising.org site and a donation is made by the retailer at no extra cost to you!
moreOur regular newsletters with details of our fund raising, community and social activities.
moreMedway Sunlight Rotary has been trying to help Cameron who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy get settled in a new house to aid his mobility issues.
moreOn the 13th June we had the privilege of taking a party of children to Chessington World Of Adventures and what a great day we all had!
moreRotarian Sonia Allen volunteers to work with the Tea Leaf Trust in Sri Lanka
moreSince our Club was formed back in 2011 we have sponsored a Guide Dog Puppy in training - see the journey of the puppies we have helped train ready to make a big difference to their blind companions,.
moreShowcasing the very best up and coming talent in Medway and Swale. Dancers, singers, bands and much, much more coming together for one spectacular event!
moreread all about the Vocational Traing Team project in Kwa Zulu Natal
moreSeptember is UK Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Danny's Angels, a Medway-based CLIC Sargent volunteer fundraising group, has many activities planned.
moreDetails of our fantastic annual Dragon Boat Challenge! Put the next event in your diary now - Sunday 25th May 2025!
moreMedway Sunlight Rotary Club Trust Fund is helping to provide food bags for frontline NHS staff after a gruelling shift dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
moreWe are pleased to have a number of companies and organisations that support our Club through Corporate Membership - read about their activities here.
moreRotary is an international community that brings together leaders who step up to take on the world’s toughest challenges, locally and globally. The eradication of polio is one of our longest standing and most significant efforts.
moreRotary recognises the great potential that young people have if given the opportunity and runs a number of competitions and events to enable them to develop and express their talents.
moreMedway Sunlight Rotary is raisng funds to help fellow Rotarians take children from Demelza Hospice Care for Children on a trip of a lifetime.