Club Speakers 2023/24
Club Speakers
Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Club Speaker Ashley Peatfield
Funzi and Bodo Trust.
On Mon 25th Sept Club Speaker Ashley Peatfield spoke to the club about how his Charity started from his holiday in Africa to the present where the trust run 2 medical clinics, a birthing room, toilets and freshwater, and rebuilding of 2 schools clinics.
Ashley spoke of how he loved his first visit to Bodo Island which is surrounded by mangroves and bird life and his story is an inspiration to all Rotarians how one person can evolve such an incredible Charity.
The Charity is based in Morley
The Funzi and Bodo Trust was started by journalist Ashley Peatfield and his teacher wife, Sara, over a decade ago. Shocked by the poverty and suffering in the villages they began by building a small medical clinic. Working with villagers they restored an old building on Funzi Island. Two weeks later it opened with a nurse, assistant and medicines to treat sick patients. Since then the Funzi and Bodo Trust has become a registered UK charity run entirely by volunteers. Ashley and Sara still lead the charity but are backed by trustees and supporters with expertise in many areas including medicine, education and business. It now provides extensive medical and educational services, sanitation and clean water as well as projects to end poverty. The charity works both on the island of Funzi and on the mainland in the village of Bodo. The Funzi and Bodo Trust’s policy of being entirely volunteer led in the UK means money raised and donated reaches those in need.
Ashley on left addressing the club.
President Mary thanked Ashley for his visit and talk.
Funzi and Bodo Trust
Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Speaker Chris Tomes
The work of Citizens Advice.
Chris came to the club and gave a talk about the work of the Citizens Advice.
Chris was born in Gomersal and worked as a Project Manager.
He has worked for Bradford and Harrogate Citizens Advice as a Generalist Adviser.
Chris said there were 1.87 million calls for advice by phone, 729 thousand by email and 46 thousand face to face.
In Kirklees people can get advice in Dewsbury on Monday and Tuesday and in Huddersfield on Thursday and Friday.
Chris explained all the different services given by Citizens Advice .
He highlighted two good tools to help . and turn2us are benefit calculators.
Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Speaker John Wilson - Journalist and Laypreacher.
On Mon 26th Feb John came to the club and talked about his career for 51 years as a Journalist in newspapers and the media.
In June 1973 John started work at the Dewsbury Reporter as a trainee and spoke of the early workings where there was 1 typewriter for 10 reporters and copy was written by hand with a carbon copy for backup. John was Editor in Chief for 7 years and worked for Johnson Press as head of learning. He has worked at Hudds Univ Media dept. He now assists at Leeds Trinity Univ lecturing new journalists.
Today new journalists have to know how to do short videos and do search optimisation.
John gave figures on circulation of the Yorkshire Post which today only sells 10K copies per day but has one million hits per month on line. The YEPost sells only 5K per night.
John spoke of his life as Editor of Dewsbury Reporter dealing with politicians and councillors.
Rotarian David thanked John for his visit and talk.
Read more about John in the link below
LINK Journalist who inspired a generation of new recruits bows out
Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Club Speakers Martin and Donna. - Creating a Railway Garden in deepest Birstall
On Monday 11 March Martin and Donna visited the club to talk about their garden railway in deepest Birstall.
Martin was a School teacher in Richmond where Donna was a local nurse.
Martin became a gardener and a University lecturer.Martin started their talk explaining about the community
pub they set up in Swaledale where they had a shop a library in the pub.
Martin and Donna then moved to West Yorks and settled in Birstall.
Martin and Donna then talked about their back garden and how they built a garden railway starting with one line and building now to 8 lines. Martin explained how Donna did the construction of the tracks through the garden shrubbery and paths.
Martin showed his locomotives and the gauge of the tracks.
Martin didn't show pictures of the railways as they want visitors to come during the Birstall in Bloom garden
open day on 7th July.
Robert Jackson thanked Martin and Donna for their visit.
Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Speaker Joe from Tong Garden Centre.
Mary thanked Joe for his popular visit.
LINK Tong Garden Centre
Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Speaker Callumn McInnis
Callum McInnis Paramedic and Senior Clinical Advisor with 111
Callum started as an Apprentice Paramedic with the London Ambulance Service in 2013. Paramedics are required to study with the Open University which includes practical learning combined with a degree based course.
Callum explained how 999 calls are categorised with a target response of 7 minutes, though the average response time is 18 minutes!
There's been a massive change in the service since the days of the 'old-fashioned' ambulance drivers. Although technicians still work for the service, these are being replaced by highly qualified paramedics. In addition, First Responders work hand in hand with paramedics and they can administer more medication, including higher levels of pain killers.
Specialist units are also being developed including Mental Health Teams and specialist units who deal with things like chemical spills. Victims of strokes, heart attack, burns, RTA's are all taken to specialist units in specialist hospitals.
An NHS 111 health advisor assesses a patient by using a script to obtain vital information which allows the call handler to advise the next move which may mean a call to 999, speak to a clinical advisor or doctor or refer a patient to their GP. NHS 111 also gives medical advice and repeat prescriptions.
Callum touched on the work of the Trade Unions of which there are three, who help to ensure a fair working environment and offer support to staff where needed.
He then finished by telling us of the practical help paramedics give, especially to older people; spending time talking to them, making cups of tea, changing light bulbs....whatever they need really!
Following questions, President Mary thanked Callum for a very interesting and informative talk and members showed their appreciation in the usual way. Jeremy
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Club Speakers 2023/24
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moreThe Club involves itself in helping the Environment, Cutting and burning at Oakwell Hall, Help with work for the Birstall in Bloom project.
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moreBirstall Luddites New Generations (Youth)
moreInternational. Shelterboxes are an important example of rotary help to world crisis. Birstall Luddites sponsor two students in India with their schooling.
moreAbout Birstall
moreBirstall Luddites in the community. Dictionaries 4Life Project. Kids Out. Birstall in Bloom work. Santa Sleigh.
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