Speaker - John Broadhead.

Mon, Feb 5th 2024 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Speaker - John Broadhead. Travels of a Civil Servant.

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Club Speaker
Rotarian John Broadhead "Travels of a Civil Servant".

On Mon 5th Feb Rotarian John gave a history talk about his work as a Civil Servant.
John decided to skip University and enter the Civil Service in Sept 1963. He entered the MOD and did a year training in Northern Island before being posted to Hong Kong. This journey John said was enjoyable on the P&O SS Cathay and took 6 to 7 weeks.
From there he visited South Korea and visited the North Korean Border.

In 1971 he was back to UK in MOD Whitehall for 3 years.

John then held a senior role in the UK Saudi Arabia Lightening contract flying back and forward to Saudi Arabia.
He had Senior roles for Armed Forces pay and then the  7 nation cruise missile negotiations in USA.
He was promoted to Director and dealt with armaments for the Gulf war.
John negotiated contracts for UK Tank contract leading to the UK Challenger winning the contract.
He became South America Regional Director visiting many countries, on one visit he accompanied the UK Minister Michael Portillo.
John visited Israel in armament contracts.
John finally closed the doors to the MOD and in 2011 he took retirement.

President Mary thanked John for his enjoyabe and intesting talk

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