Outside event - Pitch and Putt - At the Manor

Mon, Aug 19th 2024 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Outside event - Pitch and Putt at the Manor Golf Club.

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Pitch and Putt and meal at the Mermaid Resturant.

Mon 19th Aug Luddites and friends gathered at the Manor Golf course Pitch and Putt.
The weather was poor for an outside event. Two heavy showers on a dull day but it didnt
stop the Pitch and Putt. Six holes were played with groups of 4 and a 3 played the course.
Mary, Ken, Jeremy and Jeff went first then David, Ian, Tony and JohnS next and lastly Nigel, JohnL
and Bill to finish.
The winner with a score of 28 was Nigel.
Nigel awarded the trophy in the car park before Luddites departed for the Mermaid Restaurant for a supper.

Nigel showing his Pitch and Putt award.
Golfers above minus Mary, President Margaret and Ken who had been rained off during the 
second heavy shower and 
had found a dry lounge in the golf club.

John teeing off on last hole.

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Birstall Luddites in the community. Dictionaries 4Life Project. Kids Out. Birstall in Bloom work. Santa Sleigh.


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