
Foundation is Rotary International's own charity, responsible for large, strategic projects such as the worldwide Eradication of Polio campaign.

End Polio planting by Falmouth Primary pupils

The above photo shows Falmouth Rotarians with Falmouth Primary school pupils planting bulbs to End Polio.

The Rotary Foundation is supported solely by contributions from the public, Rotary members and friends of the Foundation. Those contributions, gifts and donations are transformed into service projects that change the lives of thousands of people across the world. With 91% of funds spent on these programmes, the Rotary Foundation, based at Rotary Headquarters in Illinois, USA, is globally recognised for its financial efficiency, accountability and transparency.

The Rotary Foundation of the United Kingdom (RFUK) is an Associate Foundation of the Rotary Foundation. RFUK supports the aims of the Rotary Foundation by providing funding for its programmes and offering a direct service in Great Britain and Ireland.

In recent years the Rotary Club of Falmouth has received the following grants:

  • ·         £1,000 to help the purchase of 2,000 safeguarding books for local children,
  • ·         £1,500 for a Waste Management pilot for Masaka (Uganda) Municipal Council
  • ·         £800 each for the Seal Sanctuary, Sailing for the Blind and Dictionaries for Falmouth Academy Primary School.
  • ·         £87,500 for a Water and Sanitation project which made fresh water available to 5,000 people in Uganda.

 The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. Polio eradication is Rotary’s top philanthropic priority. Rotary launched the PolioPlus programme in 1985. In 1988, when Rotary began working with partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative there were more than 350,000 polio cases in over 125 countries. Since then, more than 2.5 billion children have been immunised against polio and the incidence of polio has decreased by 99.9%.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Falmouth Rotary are committed to raising awareness about the environment.


The Rotary Club of Falmouth celebrated its centenary on Sunday 29th May 2022.


The Falmouth Rotary Club meets formally twice a month at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel in Budock Water (2nd and 4th Monday).


Welcome from the President of the Rotary Club of Falmouth UK 2023-2025


The Rotary Club of Falmouth organises a number of events and activities to raise money for charity. Our main push this year has been to raise funds for the Robotic Surgery Fund of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity.


The Rotary Club of Falmouth support charities such as Shelterbox, Air Ambulance, Age Concern, Dracaena Centre, Salvation Army and the Cornwall Hospices.


The Rotary Club of Falmouth participates in the community in a number of different ways. Whether it be volunteering to support local events, litter picking, or manning the collection tins for Charity at Christmas, we strive to help out in our local area.


The International team deals with the Club's charitable aims overseas.


The Rotary Club of Falmouth's Youth Teams aim to assist in the development of Young People and help them achieve their full potential.

End Polio planting by Falmouth Primary pupils

Foundation is Rotary International's own charity, responsible for large, strategic projects such as the worldwide Eradication of Polio campaign.

Evening meeting presentation

Membership Committee is tasked with locating members of the local Community who would benefit from and enhance service within the Rotary movement.

lunch at Budock Vean

Fellowship is an important part of Rotary. We meet and have fun with our Club members and other Rotarians.
