Jan 2024
Our meeting schedule has changed from weekly to twice a month. On the 2nd and 4th Monday each month we meet at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel. On alternate Mondays some Rotarians meet for lunch at the Greenbank Hotel in Falmouth.
Sept 2023
DG David Glover joined the club for lunch and an update about District activities. He stressed the need to work together to facilitate better commmunication between clubs.
July 2023
The Club has changed its meeting format. We will only meet formally for lunch twice a month. One meeting (2nd Monday in the month) will have a speaker, the other meeting (4th Monday in the month) will be a Business meeting. The other Rotary meetings will be informal fellowship meetings.
June 6th 2022
New member Janet Moule inducted into the Club by Past President Glenn Wilkes.
Sept 6th 2021
At last we have returned to face-to-face meetings after 18 months! Members enjoyed lunch and a drink and a catch-up on news.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The Falmouth Rotary Club meets formally twice a month at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel in Budock Water (2nd and 4th Monday).
moreThe Rotary Club of Falmouth organises a number of events and activities to raise money for charity. Our main push this year has been to raise funds for the Robotic Surgery Fund of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity.
moreThe Rotary Club of Falmouth support charities such as Shelterbox, Air Ambulance, Age Concern, Dracaena Centre, Salvation Army and the Cornwall Hospices.
moreThe Rotary Club of Falmouth participates in the community in a number of different ways. Whether it be volunteering to support local events, litter picking, or manning the collection tins for Charity at Christmas, we strive to help out in our local area.
moreThe Rotary Club of Falmouth's Youth Teams aim to assist in the development of Young People and help them achieve their full potential.
moreFoundation is Rotary International's own charity, responsible for large, strategic projects such as the worldwide Eradication of Polio campaign.
moreMembership Committee is tasked with locating members of the local Community who would benefit from and enhance service within the Rotary movement.
moreFellowship is an important part of Rotary. We meet and have fun with our Club members and other Rotarians.