Update! Shoebox 2020

26th February 2021
The Shoeboxes have finally been presented to children In Albania, Romania, Montenegro & Moldova

Shoe boxes are on their way!

Despite the obvious obstacles and a month delay, the shoeboxes collected by Hythe & Waterside Rotary were finally and safely delivered to the regional collection depot at Hurn on Saturday 12th December.  A total of 17 cartons of boxes were delivered along with a few loose boxes (173 shoeboxes in total).   Grateful thanks go to all those on the Waterside who donated the boxes, which will be distributed to disadvantaged children in Albania, Montenegro, Moldova and Romania under the Rotary Shoebox Scheme. 

Wessex Rotary Shoebox Project shared the following response from one of the countries who benefit from the donations:

"I am President of Rotary Club Chisinau.  At first I want to say that my colleagues and I are very grateful to you for the gifts we receive for children in Moldova.

Now the situation with COVID-19 is getting worse all over the world.  In our country with a population of 3 million, we have 1600 cases detected daily, of which 25% are medical workers.  60 doctors died because of Covid.  We have almost 100,000 cases in Moldova.  I'm a doctor and I know the situation well.

We understand the situation perfectly, so you don't need to worry if the gifts will be late in this year.  We accept in January and February".

Hythe & Waterside Rotary would also like to thank Meadens of Hythe for the loan of the van, and Elliotts of Marchwood for providing storage facilities.  Despite coping with Covid-19 restrictions the project has been successfully completed.  Photograph:  From left to right - Charlie & Jean Adams and Maurice Rowles at the shoebox depot.  

Update: 26 February 2021

Despite the safe delivery at Hurn in December of cartons of shoeboxes collected locally for the Rotary Shoebox Appeal,  the final part of their journey was considerably delayed due to Brexit and Covid-19.  However, Hythe & Waterside Rotary are delighted to learn from the Wessex Rotary Shoebox Project Leader that the consignment has now been despatched and is on its way to Moldova, Romania, Montenegro and Albania.

 Although the boxes will be arriving much later than planned, we have been assured that they will be received with the same enthusiasm and delight by the children in these countries.  

Thank you to all those who contributed to this most worthwhile cause.  Let's  hope that we can get back to some sort of normality for Christmas 2021.  If you would like to register your interest in taking part in the Shoebox Appeal at the end of this year, please telephone H&W Rotary on 02381 818187.

Despite the safe delivery at Hurn in December of cartons of shoeboxes collected locally for the Rotary Shoebox appeal,  the final part of their journey was considerably delayed due to Brexit and Covid-19.  However, Hythe & Waterside Rotary are delighted to learn from the Wessex Rotary Shoebox Project Leader that the consignment has now been despatched and is on its way to Moldova, Romania, Montenegro and Albania.

 Although the boxes will be arriving much later than planned, we have been assured that they will be received with the same enthusiasm and delight by the children in these countries.  

Thank you to all those who contributed to this most worthwhile cause.  Let's  hope that we can get back to some sort of normality for Christmas 2021.  If you would like to register your interest in taking part in the Shoebox Appeal at the end of this year, please telephone H&W Rotary on: 02381 818187.

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26th February 2021 The Shoeboxes have finally been presented to children In Albania, Romania, Montenegro & Moldova


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