H&W Rotary Jubilee Garden Party
Rotarian Ian Wheeler and his wife hosted a fun afternoon in their garden for a group of Rotarians, their families and friends. Quite how they managed to arrange the weather, which was not looking promising in the morning and ended with a massive downpour once everyone had gone home, is anyone’s guess!
Attendees enjoyed picnics, bubbly, delicious cakes and games of croquet as well as raising several toasts to Her Majesty the Queen.
This social event even managed to raise donations of nearly £330 which will be donated to The Applemore Foundation for their Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
Photos attached - attendees of the garden party.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
26th February 2021 The Shoeboxes have finally been presented to children In Albania, Romania, Montenegro & Moldova
moreALL proceeds provide humanitarian aid Press 'Details' for more information. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/concert-for-ukraine-tickets-363936322337
moreAlong with our partners, Rotary has helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries.
moreH&W do it in Style!
moreat Beaulieu Village Hall On Friday 3th Sept 21 at 7:00pm Ticket price £15.00 Please open for more details.
moreRaise money for your own Charity or Organisation!
moreH&W President Ray presents one of our contributions to Jan Hayter, Coordinator of the Waterside Food Bank
moreWe meet twice a month on a Monday at the Dibden Golf Centre. All queries to: secretary@hwrotary.org
morePlease see 'Details'. Contributions gratefully accepted at: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/19983
moreYear 7 Oak Lodge School visited Paulton's Park with Hythe Rotary on the 2019 Kids Out Day on Wednesday 12 June 2019.
moreA concert to be held to raise money for rebuilding after the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria
moreRotary competitions for young people