Completed events in Rotary District 1100
future events This page shows events from around the district in the last 3 years where additional information is available.
For CLUB events, you will be taken to the club website - click the 'back' button in your browser to return here.

Come to Bristol Beacon to hear the six finalists

Cheltenham North - The 46th Annual Carol Concert organised by Members of Cheltenham North Rotary Club took place on the 17th December and raised over £5700 for Rotary Charities. Pictures taken at the event are available, see "Details"

Swindon North and Thamesdown - The NSPCC Festival of Trees is in Swindon's Wyvern Theatre in Swindon this Christmas

Swindon North and Thamesdown - All proceeds will go to charities and other worthy causes supported by The Rotary Club of Swindon North and Thamesdown
Monmouth - Town Bonfire by the Rowing Club Fireworks, burgers, ice cream, enjoy the spectacle by the River Wye Prices: £6 for adult, £3 for children under 14 and £15 for a family of two adults and two children. Pay on the night


Cotswold Tyndale - Another first! The club organised the 16th Cotswold Classic Car Rally. Starting from Hillesley, 68 cars of various vintages took part in a 80 mile drive around the local Cotswold area.

Ross-on-Wye - Presented by Ross Rotary in aid of "Friends of the River Wye"
Cirencester - Teams of 4, Best Two Stableford Scores (85% handicap allowance)

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Rotarian Ken Winslow presents a cheque for £3,670 to John Stow from the Swindon Down's Syndrome Group. With John is his son Lane who is a regular entrant in our annual Swimathons. Click on 'DETAILS' for more information.
Ross-on-Wye - Ross Rotary were very happy helping and support The Friends of Ross Hospital

Nailsworth - A ticketed concert in the beautiful St John the Baptist Church in Cirencester

Cheltenham North - A Concert by the Pendyrus Choir plus Soloist Cathy Keating a well known Professional Soprano. The Concert raised approx. £600 for Rotary Charities. Pictures are available here to view.
Bradley Stoke - Bradley Stoke Rotary Club Fun Charity Quiz Night at St Monica's Trust

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Swindon College students competed for the Rotary award

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Pianist Elizabeth Pope, a pupil at St John’s School Marlborough, is our Young Musician of 2024. In a closely contested competition she was overall winner, narrowly ahead of singer Bonnie Laker

Stroud - Presentation of our annual Community Awards. Location - Carpenter Arms Westrip

Swindon North and Thamesdown - £1382 raised for the Wiltshire Treehouse charity which provides bereavement support to young people living in Swindon and Wiltshire
Monmouth - Exhibition open 10am to 4pm at the Bridges Centre, Monmouth Adults £6, Children/OAPs £5; Family (2+2) £14

Cheltenham North - The 45th Carol Concert organised by Cheltenham North will be held in the Princess Hall of the Ladies College on the 19th December 2023. See "Details" for the latest information and purchase of Tickets.

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Our TV Game Show raises £2,000 for The Olive Tree Café in Cheney Manor. In the picture: Game Show organiser, Rotarian Bob Humphries, with Phyllida Richards, Manager of the Café and Rotary Club President Ann Debureaux-Dias

Cheltenham North - Cheltenham North are supporting Cheltenham Races again this year as Volunteers.. See "details" for more information Volunteers required contact Richard Purdon
Hereford Wye Valley - Concert at Wellington Church to raise money for youth activities in Herefordshire
Chipping Sodbury - Tea Dance held at Chipping Sodbury Town Hall 2.0pm 4.0pm Call 07544 764 929 or

Swindon North and Thamesdown - We are going to start planting 4,000 purple crocus corms at TWIGS Community Garden on Saturday 7th October from 12 to 4pm. It’s also the TWIGS Apple Fayre on that day so there will be lots to see and do.

Bradley Stoke - Barn Dance Oct 6th Oct 2023

Hereford - Much loved charity Duck Race is back!

Nailsworth - Exhibition and sale of art to raise funds for local community arts
Ross-on-Wye - MRE weekend two day event "A great success!" Rotary Ross on Wye organise the event and funds raised will go to local charities and organisations

Severn Vale - Supporting Longfield the walk starts from Passage Farm Arlingham, GL2 7JR. There are 3 walks of varying length up to 4 miles; Toilets & Ice Cream etc. provided ​Cost £5.00 per person
District members please log in for more information.

Chepstow - Come and enjoy a evening with acclaimed Italian lyric tenor Yuri Sabatini. With a voice that has spellbound audiences across Europe Yuri will captivate you with beloved classics, contemporary hits and heart wrenching melodies.

Bradley Stoke - Rotary Meeting where we are going to invite members of the public to be our guests

Stonehouse - A RETURN OF THIS POPULAR EVENT FOR ALL THE GARDENERS. See poster below for more detail.

Bradley Stoke - Talk by Melanie King on how she rowed across the Atlantic

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Our SWIMATHON 2023 beats all previous. A SMASHING £8,910 was raised for charity. Click on DETAILS to see how it has been distributed.

Royal Wootton Bassett Town - Annual Charity Golf Day for teams of 4 golfers playing a Texas Scramble competition

Cheltenham North - The International Committee are in need of further items for auction in aid of School Bags for Nepal, plus a Tech request for Uganda. See "Details" for more information.

Monmouth - The Environmental Agency and Natural Resources Wales gave a joint presentation on their activities to get the River Wye back to full health. Charles Taylor of River Action followed with a more general description of the state of our rivers

Clevedon Yeo - Tickets £10 Venue Christchurch Clevedon ~Licensed Bar~ Supporting Cancer Research UK
Worcester Vigornia - As part of the Coronation Big Help Out Worcester Vigornia Rotary Club have organized a litter pick on the A38 Droitwich Road, Worcester.

Portishead - Our SWIMATHON celebrating the 25th year! See the 'SWIMATHON' section on the Homepage for Registration Forms and Lane Counter details.

Swindon North and Thamesdown - £1,300 raised which will be distributed on an equal basis to the "Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service" and “Operation Smile”.

Monmouth - Another great great day for model railway enthusiasts Exhibition open 10am to 4pm at the Bridges Centre, Monmouth Adults £6, Children/OAPs £5; Family (2+2) £14
Monmouth - After being absent due to Covid the Monmouth Rotary Model Railway Exhibition returns for 2023. Open 10am to 4pm at the Bridges Centre Adults £6, Children/OAPs £5; Family (2+2) £14

Severn Vale - We are collecting working IT equipment for IT Schools Africa (ITSA) Please bring along you surplus IT gear

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Proceeds from Terry's tree-mendous effort has raised a magnificent £1,080 all of which is being donated to the Swindon Downs Syndrome Group to support their speech therapy programme

Cheltenham North - The Annual Carol Concert organised by Cheltenham North will take place in the Princess Hall of the Ladies College on the 13th December 2022 See "Details" for Ticket Sales and information.

Cirencester - After missing two years due to Covid, we are delighted to bring you a fantastic new Christmas Show for all the family.

Bristol (Breakfast) - A fun evening out with cheese and wine tasting (8 of each) and a Charity Quiz

Monmouth - Agincourt Room Bridges community Centre, Drybridge House Monmouth. Bar available from 6:30pm. Please book your tickets through Eventbrite

Stroud - Live Bee Gees Tribute band
Severn Vale - Charity Quiz for tables of 4 supporting Sunflowers Suicide Support. £12p.p. Curry inc. Frampton village Hall
District members please log in for more information.

Swindon North and Thamesdown - Swindon Downs Syndrome Group will use the funds for their speech therapy work in particular

Cheltenham North - The 2022 Event was a success and raised a substantial sum for Rotary Charities Pictures taken at the event can be found under What we Do/Photo Galleries on the Home Page of this website.

Stroud - Organised by the Rotary clubs of Stroud, Stonehouse and Nailsworth. This is a charitable event, with proceeds going to local charities and good causes.

Worcester Vigornia - Annual conference held at the BAWA Health and Leisure Club of Bristol

Bradley Stoke - Joint Bradley Stoke and Fishponds and Downend Quiz Night
Severn Vale - Rotary in the Severn Vale' fourth Car Run. Started 9am at The Whitminster Inn.

Ross-on-Wye - Ross Rotary are pleased to support Walford Village Hall Fun Day
Cheltenham North - It is proposed to support the Willow Trust at an afternoon Tea Cruise See "Details" for more information.
Tewkesbury - Our biggest charity fundraising event for the year takes place, as usual, on the playing fields of Tewkesbury School. Traders and visitors will find more information on the dedicated website (click on the link to take you there).
Ross-on-Wye - The annual Model Railway Exhibition (RMRE) returned this year for two full days enjoyed by all

Cheltenham North - A group of Cheltenham North Rotarians are visiting The Woodchester Valley Vineyard. See "Details" for more information
Ross-on-Wye - Ross Rotary were pleased to organise and attend a Willow Trust outing

Stonehouse - Great day - thank you for your support.

Cheltenham North - The Three Cheltenham Clubs, as part of their 100 years celebration of Rotary in Cheltenham, are organising a "Mile of Coins" Charity Event. See "Details" for more information and how to obtain the collection cards.

Swindon North and Thamesdown - The swimmers make waves in our Swimathon

Monmouth - Two respected and inspiring speakers, Cherry Taylor and Garry Yeomans, have agreed to each speak on their differing views on the subject including a Q&A session in the Main Hall on the ground floor at The Priory to which all are welcome. Free entry

Ross-on-Wye - A talk by Dr David Steiner - founder of "Hands Around The World", a charity for vulnerable children

Swindon North and Thamesdown - "Thank you so much for a brilliantly organised and extremely enjoyable evening. The venue was fabulous, the food was good and the evening went very smoothly." Click on "details" to read the accolades received from our guests

Cheltenham North - On 14th April Cheltenham North Celebrated 50 year's as a Rotary Club with a Celebration Dinner (See "Details") at the Queen's Hotel with Guests, Alex Chalk MP, Steve Harvey, Mayor and District Governor Graham Ogden. The Host was President Geoff Fox.

Swindon North and Thamesdown - £1,336 raised for Swindon Carers. In the picture: Question-master Mike (with the mike) is with the winning team "Ever Hopeful".

Ross-on-Wye - Recreating traditional Pancake Races in Ross-on-Wye