We have been busy over the past few years creating new Rotary Games to add to our existing portfolio. If you would like to add our assortment of games to your event, then please do get in touch.
Schools / Fundraising
Looking for something fun and entertaining to add the “WOW” factor to your event whilst also allowing you to raise additional funds for your cause!! Look no further than using the Rotary Club of Chesham Games. Subject to games’ and supporting crew availability, we can provide a selection of the Rotary Games for a small donation/FOC for your event. Enquire here (link to enquiry form)
Corporate - Teambuilding
Looking for some old fashioned fun and entertainment to compliment your team building events. Then look no further than the Rotary Club of Chesham Games. Subject to games’ and supporting crew availability, we can provide a selection of the Rotary Games for your event. Enquire here (link to enquiry form)
Other Rotary Clubs
Looking for some old fashioned fun and entertainment to compliment your team building events. Then look no further than the Rotary Club of Chesham Games. Subject to games’ and supporting crew availability, we can provide a selection of the Rotary Games (for a small donation) for your event. Enquire here (link to enquiry form)
If you are looking for some old fashioned fun and entertainment to complement your team building events, then look no further to our range of Rotary Games.
(1 or 2 players)
Component Parts
Wooden board (8 ft x 4 ft)
Golf Ball Carriage with pulley/handles
Golf Ball Holder and Balls
Stands to Support
Playing Instructions
Players use the pulleys on each side on the board to transport the golf ball to the top of the mountain whilst avoiding losing it in the many holes
(1, 2 or more players)
Component Parts
2 black trestles
Wooden board
Net Cover
Bulldog Clip
Wooden Castle Front
Champagne Corks
Playing Instructions
Players get 10 wine corks each. Using the trebuchet/balister/catapult, they try to dislodge the corks from the castle windows. The winner is the player who dislodges the most champagnes corks.
(2 players)
Component Parts
2 black trestles
Wooden board
2 x Trebuchet/Balister/Catapult
Champagne Corks
Playing Instructions
Players get given 5/10 pucks each.They then use the catapult to try and land pucks in holes. Pucks landing in a hole gets the score denoted. Add up scores. Any pucks that come within reach from where the player is standing (ie. At end/not by coming round the side) can be fired again.
(1, 2 or more players)
Component Parts
2 black trestles
4ft Wooden board with series of 10 holes
2 sticks
Bowling Jack
Playing Instructions
The table is dead level with the sticks are closed at the beginning of play. Ball is placed on top of the sticks and player has to open the sticks to enable to ball to roll down towards them, trying to get the ball into the hole nearest them which earns 10 points. It’s harder than it looks!
(1 player)
Component Parts
Mirror Frame
Maze Papers/Card
Playing Instructions
Player sits at a chair in front of the Mirror Writer. Paper is put in place. Looking only in the mirror, player to draw a line from start to end staying within the heavy black lines.
(2 players)
Component Parts
Hook Frame
Scoring Board
Playing Instructions
The peg starts in the middle of the scoring board. Each player stands on either side of the hook frame and tries to catch their ring on the hook on their side. If they succeed they move the peg towards their end. This continues until they reach their end of the scoring board. This becomes a game of back and forth until there is a winner.
(2 players)
Component Parts
Rotary based square block
Round disk (2 ft x 2 ft) with 6 coloured segments hanging from chain
22 x light wooden blocks with grey circle
22 x dark wooden blocks with amber circle
2 x dice with colours
2 x dice with dots
Playing Instructions
Players take alternate turns.
Player 1 throws each dice which determines the colour segment and how many blocks they need to place.
Whatever number they throw, they then have to place that number of blocks on the colour segment they have thrown on the coloured dice.
Player 2 then throws each dice and does the same
Players alternate until the weight of blocks on the disk makes one or more fall off.
Blocks cannot be stacked.
Blocks cannot be placed within the inner circle
(2 players)
Component Parts
Wooden cross with broom handle
Shape with hole on rope and handle
Playing Instructions
Holding the small wooden handle above the broom stick, players need to get the hole in the piece of wood over the broom handle.
(1, 2 or more players)
Component Parts
1 x 4 ft x 2 ft Board with hole and yellow arrow
1 x 4 ft x 2 ft Board with hole and red arrow
2 x stand to put large Boards at a angle
3 x Robin rice bags
2 x Liquorice Allsorts rice bags
Pole to create throwing distance
Playing Instructions
Boards can either be facing each other 20 ft apart OR next to each other on a base line.
Each player gets 3-4 bags of rice to throw into the hole and scores a point for each successful throw.
The winner is the one with the most points.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
On the 19th August members of Chesham Club and guests attended President Kalpesh Patel's Barbecue.
moreChesham Rotary has been around for 75 years. We are an organisation of practical action and we are proud of the Chesham community rising to the current challenge.
moreThe Rotary Young Chef competition was held on Saturday 12th January 2019 at Piper's Corner School
moreThe Rotary Club of Chesham are supporting Chiltern Music Therapy and other local groups (who have or do support dementia suffers and carers). The walk in the beautiful Chiltern Hills took place on Sunday 4th September 2022.
moreChesham Rotary took children and carers to Whipsnade Zoo on 12th June.
See the letters of thanks from the children on this page
In May this year Chesham Rotary Club supported Mayor Emily Culverhouse in the Mayor’s Charity Water Slide Event held in Lowndes Park.
moreThis was an incredible show of local talent by children and adults from Chesham and surrounding area. The versatility, inspiration and professionalism shown by the artistes was absolutely amazing.
moreSanta's Visit Programme for 2021 has been finalised. He will be visiting streets in and around Chesham. Find the Santa Tracker here.
moreOn Wednesday 17th July 2024 the Rotary Club of Chesham were invited to visit Heritage House as a thank you for the work undertaken by some of our members
moreOn Wednesday 17th June, President Jeremy Wyman arranged for a special event to mark the end of his Presidency. A VIRTUAL CREAM TEA !!!
moreOn Friday the 25th October we held a highly successful Music and Magic evening at Chartridge Park Golf Club
moreChesham Rotary Club members were pleased to be involved in this year’s Chesham Schools Carnival, the main event being in Lowndes Park.
moreThe Rotary Clubs of Amersham, Chesham and Great Missenden extend their congratulations to all the winners.
moreChesham Rotary has one or two speakers or visitors each month during our meetings. Have a look at what has been happening recently.
morePlease use this link if you wish to donate to Chesham Rotary
moreCelebration of 25 years of the Chess Valley Male Voice Choir. Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Chesham 23rd March 2019
moreLooking for something fun and entertaining to add the “WOW” factor to your event whilst also allowing you to raise additional funds for your cause!! Look no further than using the Rotary Club of Chesham Games.
moreAt the end of June, The Rotary Club of Chesham presented two local people with the most prestigious award from Rotary Foundation and International – THE PAUL HARRIS FELLOWSHIP.
moreThe Youth Council of Chesham organised the inaugural Chesham and Villages Young People Community Awards
moreOn Tuesday 17th July 2018 the annual titanic struggle took place between opposing teams for the 'Texas Scramble’ golfing match. This was followed by the putting competition and supper organised and hosted by Inner Wheel.
moreLetters of thanks received by Chesham Rotary
moreOn Friday the 25th October we held a highly successful Music and Magic evening at Chartridge Park Golf Club
moreThe Rotary Club of Chesham promises to respect the confidentiality of any personal data members or supporters share with us.
moreThe Mayor of Chesham, Rotary Club of Chesham and Chiltern Chamber of Commerce were delighted to present a Special Recognition Award to the students of Chesham Grammar School
moreRotary recognises the service given by one member of the Chiltern Chamber of commerce who has given unselfish support to the community for many years.
moreRotary Club of Chesham's Peace in the Park 2023: A Resounding Success and Celebration of Unity
moreIn Christmas 2017 Chesham Club pushed the technology barrier and used an Online Tracker System to pin point the actual location of Santa directly onto the club website as it was happening.
moreRotarians Mervyn Edwards and Chris Marsh give their report to members concerning the Christmas 2021 activities
moreA Technology Tournament was hosted by the Chiltern Hills Academy on Friday 24th February. This was organised by the Rotary Clubs of Chesham, Amersham, and Great Missenden.
moreThe Rotary Club of Chesham once again organised the annual Stroke Awareness Day on Saturday 12th May 2018
moreChesham Rotary Club held the local round of the National Young Photographer competition, where local youngsters took photos based on a ‘Wild Nature‘ theme.
moreA Technology Tournament was hosted by the Chiltern Hills Academy on Friday 1st March organised by the Rotary Clubs of Amersham, Chesham, and Great Missenden.
moreThousands of youngsters take part every year in our youth competitions which in most cases take the form of regional heats followed by a national final. The majority are categorised into junior, intermediate and advanced age groups.
moreSilverson Machines Limited recognised for Excellence in Manufacturing and services to the Chesham Community.
moreSanta's Visit Programme for 2023 has been finalised. He will be visiting streets in and around Chesham.You can get to the Santa Tracker from this page.
moreSome of the photos that were taken during the christmas in Chesham celebrations held on the 24th November 2017
moreThe Technology Tournament for teams of Secondary Schoolchildren. The 2018 Technology Tournament took place on 23rd February at the Chiltern Hills Academy, Chesham.