Call My Bluff - 2017

Chris O'Brien

Call My Bluff Wine Tasting 2017

It’ll all be alright on the night. That is what I kept telling myself as I planned yet another of these popular evenings and judging by comments received from many of you it was indeed ‘alright’.
Although we had fewer attending this year (95), than in previous years (we peaked at 125 in 2010) we succeeded in having lots of fun whilst raising a handsome sum for our chosen charities. Once again the difficulty of identifying wines, exacerbated by the opinions of other ‘know it all’ team members and the convincing lies of the panel proved too much for most teams. We had just one winner this time correctly guessing just three out of the five wines. Two teams got them all wrong!
Our deceiving panel this year consisted of Chris O’Brien, Martin Miles and Graham Hayes proving once again they could so easily have enjoyed such very successful careers on the stage (or in politics!). Their brilliant contribution to the evening was reflected in the generosity of the donations received from all attendees. The cash donations, bar sales and coin rolling for the champagne (well done Glen Taylor) raised a further £347 to supplement the proceeds from the ticket sales, making a total surplus on the evening of £1044, to be shared between Cancer Research UK (Beeston Branch) and the Stroke Unit at The City Hospital.
I would like to record my thanks to the staff at Majestic Wines, Nottingham for their help in assisting in the choice of wines and the bottle of champagne (and the discount) and also a huge thanks to Martin and Pam Miles for not only undertaking the provision and serving of the excellent buffet but also to ‘Cuts Both Ways’ for their sponsorship of it.

Chris Powell

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Visit to to the Army Cadets


Our Annual Wine tasting event - more fun than you can have out of a bottle!


Help Santa get to Wollaton from the North Pole


President Marie presents our cheque for £700


This is the October Edition of "Staggers "


The Team from Wollaton Park at the Buxton Outdoor Centre


The May issue of "Staggers"


From having nothing, we have transformed the lives of the children of Soc Trang Orphanage in Vietnam


This is where our sleigh will be in December


President Marie presents our cheque for £700


The Charity benefits from our Christmas Collection


After 12 years the Hospital is finally open


These are the results of your kind contributions to our fundraising


Our Annual Art Exhibition takes place on Saturday October 30th


This is what we are about to do or have done


Our new Fundraiser for Christmas


Before the club was Charted
