Rotary Helping The Homeless


While Rotarian Angie Perkins was recently helping at a clothing sale being organised by The Friary, she took the opportunity to present cheques to the founder of the homeless centre,  Ann Bremner MBE.
The larger cheque, for the magnificent sum of £450 was from money collected by the staff of Circle Health who run the Treatment Centre on the QMC campus. The money was passed to Wollaton Park RC for them to distribute to a worthy cause in the local community. The lesser amount of £50 was from money donated to the club specifically for the purchase of suitable teenage clothes from the fundraising sales organised by The Friary; these items to be given to members of the Phoenix Youth Club. The Friary whose Mission Statement is: “to empower homeless and vulnerable adults to rebuild their lives by offering praccal services, advice and emoonal support,” was founded by Ann Bremner at The Friary United Reformed Church on Musters Road West Bridgford.  Every year the charity caters for 15,000 visits from local people who are suffering the effects of homelessness, substance misuse, financial destuon and social isolaon. The service was first commissioned in 1988 to address a specific local need and inially was run enrely by volunteers opening 1 day a week. Since 1988 a combinaon of heightened need for the service and connued dedicaon to addressing more complex needs of local people has produced today’s widely known and respected charity. The Friary now delivers a wide range of services with open access drop-in sessions being delivered 3 mes per week, 52 weeks of the year. Each drop-in is accessed by over 100 local people in need of support. The Friary is passionate about people and about tackling poverty caused by homelessness and unemployment. The charity is commied to offering person-centred advice and support which is accessible and free to all those who require it. It is hoped that, at some me in the future, our Rotary Club may see its way to providing further support by organising a fundraising sale at a suitable locaon on our ‘patch’. 

Malcolm Darroch

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Charity benefits from our Christmas Collection


This is the October Edition of "Staggers "


From having nothing, we have transformed the lives of the children of Soc Trang Orphanage in Vietnam


The May issue of "Staggers"


These are the results of your kind contributions to our fundraising


This is what we are about to do or have done


Both meet at one of our weekly meetings


Our new Fundraiser for Christmas


This is where our sleigh will be in December


President Marie presents our cheque for £700


Both meet at one of our weekly meetings


After 12 years the Hospital is finally open


The Team from Wollaton Park at the Buxton Outdoor Centre


President Marie presents our cheque for £700


Visit to to the Army Cadets


Before the club was Charted
